Most animal fats are saturated, containing more hydrogen than carbon, and do not spoil as easily as unsaturated fats.
A melt
B get used up
C go bad
D liquify
2、Before the first Apollo rocket went to the Moon, a spot for landing the lunar module was carefully chosen.
A climate
B latitude
C sea
D location
3、The osprey flies above the water and when it spots a fish it swoops down to catch it.
A drops
B sees
C wants
D selects
4、My aunt said that she couldn't stand being kept waiting.
A represent
B crumble
C tolerate
D put out
5、The trumpet was part of the opera orchestra long before it became a standard orchestral instrument.
A major
B tuneful
C desirable
D regular
6、It has taken many years to adopt internationally recognized standards for the licensing of aircraft pilots.
A data
B criteria
C committees
D flags
7、Recent studies have shown that the stature of male Americans has scarcely changed in the past two hundred years.
A weight
B height
C life span
D head size
8、Emily Greene Balch's steadfast labor for freedom and for cooperation among individuals and peoples brought her the Nobel Peace Prize in 1946.
A unwavering
B accelerated
C uninhibited
D aggressive
9、The amount of time spent watching television in the average household in the United States has risen steadily since television sets were introduced in the 1950's.
A discreetly
B consistently
C automatically
D disproportionately
10、Even with detailed knowledge about an area, geologists cannot easily locate stores of underground natural gas.
A varieties
B maps
C supplies
D shops
11、It is understandable that early civilizations blamed storms on the gods.
A bad weather
B unsuccessful harvests
C illness
D warfare
12、Many of Edith Wharton's best stories were completed under great personal strain.
A poverty
B privacy
C resentment
D tension
13、United States Navy Admiral Alfred Mahan wrote many books on naval strategy and sea power.
A tactics
B history
C battles
D armaments
14、A whale shark's body is stout but streamlined, like that of a whale.
A tough
B brightly spotted
C striped
D smoothly shaped
15、It is easy to misjudge the strength of the wind.
A force
B direction
C temperature
D effect
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