cerebral hernia 腦疝
cerebral spinal fluid 腦脊液
chemotherapy 化療
chest circumference 胸圍
chronic 慢性的
chronic renal failure 慢性腎功能衰竭
chylous urine 乳糜尿
congenital biliary atresia 先天性膽道閉鎖
congenital heart disease 先天性心臟病
congestive heart failure 充血性心力衰竭
convulsion 驚厥
Cooleys anemia(thalassemia) 庫利氏貧血
cranial suture 顱骨縫
craniotabes, craniomalacia 顱骨軟化
creatinine 肌酐
cyanosis 青紫
cyanosis 紫紺
cystitis 膀胱炎
cytogenetics 細胞遺傳學
cytogenetics 細胞遺傳學
deciduous teeth 乳牙
dehydration therapy 脫水療法
development 發(fā)育
developmental quotient 發(fā)育指數(shù)
direct coombs, test 直接抗人球蛋白實驗
distention 膨隆
diuresis 多尿
dyspnea 呼吸困難
Eisenmengers syndrome 艾森曼氏格綜合征
encephalitis 腦炎
endocarditis 心內膜炎
enterohepatic circulation bilirubin 腸肝循環(huán)
erythema induratum 硬紅斑
erythroleukemia 紅白血病
event free survival(efs) 無病生存率
exchange transfusion 換血療法
Fanconis anemia 范可尼貧血
febrile convulsions 高熱驚厥
fetal hydrops 胎兒水腫
flaring of the nose, alae 鼻翼
focal glomerulonephritis 局灶性腎炎
fontanel 囟門
free erythrocyte protoporphyrin 紅細胞游離
galactosemia 半乳糖血癥
genotype 基因型
glomerule 腎小球
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency g-6-pd酶缺乏
glycogen storage disease 糖原累積征
Harrisons groove 郝氏溝
hematogenous disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis 血行播散性肺結核
hemolytic anemia 溶血性貧血
hemolytic disease of the newborn 新生兒溶血癥
hepato-glycogenosis 肝糖元累積癥
hepatolenticular degeneration 肝豆狀核變性
hereditary spherocytosis 遺傳性球型紅細胞增多癥
hilum tuberculosis 肺門結核
hydrocephalus 腦積水
hyperbilirubinemia 高膽紅素血癥
hyperkalemia 高鉀血癥
hypersplenism 脾機能亢進
hypertension 高血壓
hypocalcemia 低鈣血癥
hypophosphatemia 低磷血癥
hypotension 低血壓
hypoxia 缺氧
idiopathic nephrotic syndrome of childhood 兒童特發(fā)性腎病綜合征
immunology 免疫學
increased sweating 多汗
indirect bilirubin 間接膽紅素
infantile period 嬰兒期
infantile tetany 嬰兒手足畜溺癥
inherited metabolic disorders 遺傳代謝病
intelligence quotient 智力商
interstitial pneumonia 間質性肺炎
intracranial hemorrhage 顱內出血
iron deficiency anemia 缺鐵型貧血
ischemia 缺血
karyotype 核型
kernicterus 核黃疸
kidney 腎臟
kidney tuberculosis 腎結核
kyphosis 脊柱后凸
lactose intolerance 乳糖不耐受
lethargy 昏睡
leukemia 白血病
lobar pneumonia 大葉性肺炎