1. 沒有化學(xué)的幫助,現(xiàn)代醫(yī)學(xué)所取得的令人矚目的進展是不可能的。
The remarkable advances made in modern medicine would not have been possible without the aid of chemistry.
2. 既然人體從本質(zhì)上講是一臺化學(xué)機器,那么,有人體功能的化學(xué)知識對醫(yī)生來說就顯得至關(guān)重要了。
Since the body is essentially a chemical machine, knowledge of the chemistry of bodily functions seems essential to the physician.
3. 通過植物和動物生產(chǎn)食品涉及到分子中原子的重新排列問題。
The production of food by plants and animals involves the rearrangement of atoms in molecules.
4. 幸運的是,很少有其他工作能像研究化學(xué)那樣更能激勵人們?nèi)ト〉贸晒Α?
Fortunately, few kinds of work seem to urge people on to success more effectively than does the pursuit of chemistry.
5. 迄今為止,尋求合成制品背后的動機便是祈盼以更少的錢為更多的人生產(chǎn)更好的東西。
So far the motive behind the search for synthetics has been a wish to produce better things for less money,and for more people.
6. 人們從活體分離出越來越多的純凈物質(zhì),并認識到它們都含有碳元素,這樣便誕生了有機化學(xué)
Isolation of increasing numbers of purified materials from living forms and recognition of the fact that all contained carbon gave birth to organic chemistry.
7. 煤與氧結(jié)合在爐中燃燒,生成二氧化碳——一種在成分和化學(xué)性質(zhì)上都不同于煤和氧的全新物質(zhì)。
When coal is burned in a furnace it combines with oxygen to give carbon dioxide,a new substance with different composition and properties from coal and oxygen.
8. 許多特定的化學(xué)反應(yīng)之所以重要,是由于它們耗用或提供能量。
Many specific chemical reactions are important because of the energy which they use or supply.
9. 在有機化學(xué)學(xué)習中,學(xué)生希望用他們熟悉的符號構(gòu)成二維或三維空間的分子結(jié)構(gòu)式。
In the study of organic chemistry,students are expected to use familiar symbols which are constructed into two- or three-dimensional molecular formulas.
10. 從我們吃的食品、穿的衣服,到住的樓房,所有這些都在很大程度上被有機化學(xué)更新了。
From the food we eat,the clothes we wear to the buildings we live in, all have been fashioned to a considerable extent by organic chemistry.
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