1. 腹痛待查(abdominal pain of undeterminded reason)
2. 發(fā)熱待查(fever of undeteminded reason)
3. 貧血anemia
4. 嘔吐 vomit
5. 高血壓 hypertension
6. 糖尿病 diabetes mellitus
7. 冠心病 coronary artery
8. disease CHD
9. 哮喘asthma
10. 惡心nausea
11. 發(fā)紺cyanosis
12. 水腫edema
13. 咳嗽cough
14. 咳痰expectoration
15. 咯血hemoptysis
16. 嘔血hematemesis
17. 黑便dark stools:Melena
18. 便血hematochezia
19. 便秘constipation
20. 黃疽jaundice
21. 食管癌(carcinoma of the esophagus)
22. 食管下端括約肌松弛(lower esophageal sphincter relaxation, LESR)
23. 食管乳頭狀瘤(esophageal papilloma)
24. 食管先天性畸形(esophageal congenital anomalies)
25. 食管化學(xué)傷(chemical injury of esophagus)
26. 食管失弛緩癥(oesophageal dyssynergia syndrome)
27. 食管平滑肌瘤(leiomyoma of esophagus)
28. 食管憩室(oesophageal diverticulum)
29. 食管曲張靜脈破裂(rupture of esophageal varices)
30. 食管梗阻(thoracic choke)
31. 食管消化性潰瘍(peptic ulcer of esophagus)
32. 食管炎(esophagitis:oesophagitis)
33. 食管疝(esophageal hernia)
34. 食管癱痕狹窄(cicatricial stricture of esophagus)
35. 食管異物(esophageal foreign body)
36. 食管粘膜撕裂癥(Mallory-Weiss syndrome)
37. 急性胃炎(acute gastritis)
38. 急性糜爛性出血性胃炎(acute erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis)
39. 慢性腹瀉(chronic diarrhea)
40. 胃食管反流?。╣astroesophageal reflux disease,GERD)
41. 反流性食管炎(ref lux esophagitis, RE)
42. 非糜爛性反流?。╪onerosive reflux disease,\ERD)
43. Barrett食管(Barrett esophagus)