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試卷分為兩大部分:試卷一(Paper One)和試卷二(Paper Two)。

試卷一包括聽力(30%),詞語用法(10%),完型填空(10%)和閱讀理解(30%),答卷時(shí)間115分鐘;試卷二包括書面表達(dá)(20%),答卷時(shí)間 50 分鐘,整個(gè)試卷共五大部分,總分 100 分,答卷時(shí)間共 165 分鐘,加上考場指令與試卷收發(fā)時(shí)問,總共考試時(shí)間 180 分鐘。

試卷一(Paper One)

I. 聽力理解 (Listening Comprehension)

聽力分兩部分 Section A 和 Section B。答題時(shí)間為 30 分鐘。

Section A:簡短對話(Short Conversations)

簡短對話旨在測試考生的英語聽力能力,要求考生在聽完每個(gè)對話之后,根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容于 12 秒鐘內(nèi)對每個(gè)問題后的四個(gè)選擇項(xiàng)做出正確選擇,每個(gè)對話及提問只讀一遍。

本部分共 15 小題,編號為 1-15,每題 1 分,共計(jì) 15 分。例:


M: The immunizations are being given at the end of the hall.

W: But I just came from that direction, and I didn't see any nurses. I didn't see any nurses downstairs either.

Q: What is the woman's problem?


A. She is on the wrong floor.

B. She does not know any nurse.

C. She cannot find the immunization area.

D. She received an immunization too late.


Section B: 長對話及短文(Long Conversations and Talks)


每篇材料后附有 5 個(gè)問題,每個(gè)問題后均有四個(gè)選擇項(xiàng)。要求考生在聽完每個(gè)問題后,于 12 秒鐘內(nèi)從中選出一個(gè)最佳答案。每篇材料及提問只讀一遍。

該部分共 15 小題,編號為 16-30,每題 1 分,共計(jì) 15 分。例:


W: We have been going round the country interviewing people about their jobs, Mr. Wills, and we would like to know something about your work as a dentist. May we ask you some questions about your practice here in Little Smattering?

M: Of course you may. But you mustn't take too long as I have another patient arriving in about ten minutes.

W: I'll be as quick as I can. What made you decide to become a dentist?

M: Oh, I don't think there was ever any doubt about it. My father was a dentist in this little town all his life, and it was always taken for granted that I would take over his practice when he retired.

W: How long did you have to study before you qualified?

M: Five years. l was exempt from the preliminary year of the course, as I had passed physics, chemistry and biology at advanced level at school. So when I was nineteen I went to a dental school, which was attached to one of the larger London hospitals. The first two years of my course were spent studying anatomy, physiology and dental mechanics. During that time I was also taught how to make false teeth and all the other various appliances that are used in modem dentistry. The second part of the course, the last two years, was devoted to clinical practice in the hospital, and practical treatment of patients.

W: Were you allowed to practice on patients before you qualified?

M: Yes, but only after I had really learned what to do. Students spend many hours with a “phantom head"1473 that is a head made of plastic, which has teeth that can be extracted or filled. They practice for a long time with this before they are finally allowed to treat a real live patient.

W: When did you set up in practice here?

M: As soon as I had been admitted to the Dentists' Register, which happened shortly after I had passed my final examination.


16. What is the woman's occupation?

17. Why did Mr. Wills decide to become a dentist?

18. When did Mr. Wills go to the dental school?

19. What courses did Mr. Wills have to learn in the dental school?

20. How long should students practice before they are finally allowed to treat a real live patient?


16. A. Journalist.

B. Dentist.

C. Headhunter.

D. Social worker.

17. A. Because he had always wanted to be a dentist.

B. Because he was interested in medicine.

C. Because he would follow his father's footsteps.

D. Because he took over his father's practice in Little Smattering.

18. A. Five years ago.

B. When he was nineteen.

C. After he passed a dental test.

D. After he passed a biology test at advanced level.

19. A. Physics, chemistry and biology.

B. Clinical practice in the hospital.

C. Making false teeth and other various appliances.

D. Anatomy, physiology and dental mechanics.

20. A. Few hours.

B. A long time.

C. Two years

D. Five years.

(答案: 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. B)


To quickly review the main points covered in Chapter Seven, the most important part of the system of nerve is the brain. The brain controls most of the body's activities. Messages between the brain and the spinal cord are carried by nerves, which are made up of special cells called nerve cells. Nerve cells are found in the brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves and the organs we use to see, hear, smell, taste and touch.

Nerve cells have long string-like fibers that carry messages. These fibers have branched ends to send and receive messages. Remember that nerve cells are so small that they cannot be seen without a microscope. But one fiber from a nerve cell may stretch as long as three feet.

There are many kinds of nerve cells, and this chapter deals mainly with three kinds. The sensory nerve cells carry messages of heat, light, sound and pressure from the skin, muscles and organs inside the body. Motor nerve cells carry messages to the muscles, and this causes the muscle to move. Connecting nerve cells go between the sensory nerve cells and motor nerve cells. After the messages go from the spinal cord to the brain, the brain sends messages through the motor nerve cells to the muscles. All these different nerve cells help us see, hear, taste, smell and feel.

Now if you have no further questions about Chapter Seven, we'll go on to talk about the chemical processes involved in this transfer of messages.

Questions 21-25 are based on the following questions:

21. What is the source of the speaker's information?

22. What role do nerve fibers play?

23. What does a nerve fiber look like according to the speaker?

24. How many kinds of nerve cells are discussed in this talk?

25. Which of the following nerve cells sends messages to the muscles?


21. A. A medical textbook.

B. A medical journal.

C. Some microscope slides.

D. The speaker's current research.

22. A. Reproducing themselves.

B. Stretching and growing.

C. Attaching themselves to muscles.

D. Carrying messages.

23. A. Elongated and stringy.

B. Round and compact.

C. Flat and transparent.

D. Flexible and chainlike.

24. A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

25. A. Sensory nerve cells.

B. Motor nerve cells.

C. Connecting nerve cells.

D. All of the above.

(答案:21. A 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. B)

II. 詞語用法 (Vocabulary)

詞語用法旨在測試考生對英語詞匯和短語的理解和使用能力,分兩部分:Section A 和 Section B。

Section A: 填空 (Fill in the blank)


該部分共 10 小題,編號為 31-40,每題 0.5 分,共計(jì) 5 分。例:

31. The "City of Hope" in California is dedicated to relieving pain and prolonging life with ______.

A. expectancy

B. longevity

C. dignity

D. identity

(答案:31. C)

Section B:多選題 (Multiple choice)


該部分共 10 小題,編號為 41-50,每題 0.5 分,共計(jì) 5 分。例:

41. You cannot burden your memory with too much information.

A. retain B. load C. retrieve D. associate

(答案:41. B)

III. 完型填空(Cloze)

本部分共 10 小題,計(jì) 10 分??荚嚂r(shí)間 10 分鐘。

此題著重測試考生在篇章水平上理解和運(yùn)用語言的綜合能力。要求考生閱讀一篇約 200 詞的英語短文,其中留有 10 處空白。每一空白附有四個(gè)選擇項(xiàng),考生在理解全文大意和上下文意思的基礎(chǔ)上,從四個(gè)選擇項(xiàng)中選出一個(gè)最佳答案,使短文在語法、用詞、句型結(jié)構(gòu)和上下文邏輯關(guān)系等方面都能完善。

該部分 10 個(gè)小題的編號為 51-60。例:

In June a Senate committee released its report on euthanasia and assisted suicide. A majority of its members recommended against legalizing the two procedures. As the public debate in this country intensifies, it is instructive to look at the Netherlands, where euthanasia, while not 51 , has been increasingly tolerated by the courts in recent years.

In the intensive-care unit of a Dutch hospital, a man lay with chronic leukemia 52 with pneumonia. His hands and feet were bound, and he was being respired with a tube in his throat. A young assistant physician appeared at his bedside and said, “I assume that if your heart fails, you don't want to be resuscitated."

Unable to talk, the man shook his head vehemently from left to right, the only movement he could make to 53 that indeed he did want to be resuscitated. Despite the seriousness of his illness, he knew he could still live for years. But the physician, misinterpreting his 54 , said, “That's assumed, then," made a note on the patient's chart and moved on.

The sick man was in a panic. Fortunately, 55 gestures, he managed to tell his son, who was able to prevent a tragic mistake.

This is an example of how increasingly casually doctors in the Netherlands are 56 the ending of life by withdrawing medical treatment—a procedure known 57 passive euthanasia. It is only one of many. Tom Schalken, professor of criminal law at the Free University of Amsterdam, was a member of a commission that 58 euthanasia in 1990. 0f an annual total of 130, 000 deaths, in 2,300 cases, physicians reported that euthanasia had been carried out at the 59 of the patient. But the commission 60 that in more than 1, 000 instances, physicians had ended a life without an explicit request for example, with patients in coma or newborn babies.

51. A. being legalized

B. legalizing

C. legalized

D. legalizes

52. A. connected

B. included

C. related

D. combined

53. A. indicate

B. notice

C. notify

D. appear

54. A. symptom

B. gesture

C. symbol

D. sign

55. A. by reason of

B. in place of

C. in the course of

D. by means of

56. A. dealing with

B. getting with

C. solving

D. coming over

57. A. for B. as C. of D. after

58. A. came into

B. looked into

C. went into

D. grew into

59. A. request

B. command

C. demand

D. recommend

60. A. ascertained

B. is ascertained

C. has ascertained

D. was ascertained

(答案:51. C 52. D 53. A 54. B 55. D 56. A 57. B 58. B 59. A 60. A)

IV. 閱讀理解(Reading Comprehension)

本部分共 30 小題,計(jì) 30 分。考試時(shí)間 65 分鐘。

該部分由 6 篇閱讀短文組成。每篇短文約 300 個(gè)單詞,后附 5 個(gè)問題,每個(gè)問題后均有四個(gè)選擇項(xiàng)。


該部分 30 個(gè)小題的編號為 61-90。例:

Passage one

It has almost become dogma that athletes require greater amounts of protein than sedentary individuals. In addition to eating more protein, athletes also need to be aware of the times of day at which they consume both different types and amounts of protein. The post-workout meal is one of the most important times and meals of the day regarding protein intake. Researchers have shown that eating a protein-rich meal at this time can greatly increase protein synthesis and possibly muscle growth.

In one study, subjects were given an intravenous protein supplement following either a period of exercise or rest. Protein synthesis was then measured in each subject to determine how the different types of activities affected protein synthesis. Results from the study concluded that protein synthesis was doubled in the subjects who had just performed a session of strength-training exercise. The researchers in this study concluded that this was more than likely due to the increase in blood flow to the subject's muscles following exercise.

Since the rate of protein synthesis and possibly muscle growth can double when protein is consumed post-workout it is imperative that a meal containing quality proteins be consumed at this time.

When determining protein types for a post-workout meal, whey protein makes an excellent choice. The reason for this is that whey protein contains the best amino acid profile of all protein types and is also absorbed at a very rapid rate by the body.

61. In order to meet the need of the body for protein, an athlete should ___________.

eat better than non-athletes

have different meal time from that of the average person

increase protein synthesis and muscle growth

have a special dietary plan

62. In the first paragraph the author points out that ________________.

a protein-rich meal is very important for athletes after some exercise

a good meal is necessary for athletes before working outside

the post-workout meal is usually rich in protein

researchers can increase protein synthesis by eating protein-rich meals

63. The purpose of the study as mentioned in the second paragraph is _________.

to double protein synthesis

to see how protein synthesis takes place

to establish the relationship between physical activities and protein synthesis

to measure the participants' blood flow to the muscles

64. According to the passage, which of the following is true?

Muscle grows faster after a post-workout meal.

Protein supplement should be given after exercise.

Physical activities will affect a man's rate of protein synthesis.

The body absorbs whey protein more quickly than other types of proteins.

65. What is the possible topic of the passage?

Athletes and Food.

Sports and Protein.

Protein Synthesis and Exercise.

Protein after Exercise.

(答案: 61. D 62. A 63. C 64. C 65. D)

試卷二(Paper Two)

V. 書面表達(dá)(Writing)

本部分計(jì) 20 分,考試時(shí)間 50 分鐘。此部分旨在測試考生使用英語書面表達(dá)自己思想的能力。測試設(shè)計(jì)以下兩種方式,每年任選其中一種。

1. 文章摘要

要求考生閱讀一篇 800-1000 字的漢語文章后,用英語寫出一篇約 200 個(gè)單詞的摘要。所概括的內(nèi)容應(yīng)簡潔、全面、準(zhǔn)確,文字應(yīng)通順,基本符合英語表達(dá)習(xí)慣,無重大語法錯(cuò)誤。

2. 翻譯與寫作



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  • 凝聚要點(diǎn)
  • 針對性強(qiáng)
  • 覆蓋面廣
  • 解答詳細(xì)
  • 質(zhì)量可靠
  • 一書在手
  • 夢想成真



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